Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 09 Mar 2018

Local Communities Projects Fund - Greggs Foundation

Local Communities Projects Fund - Greggs Foundation

The next application deadline for the Greggs Foundation Local Community Projects Fund is the 9th March 2018. The foundation is a grant making trust which distributes around £1.8 million per year to organisations throughout England, Scotland and Wales. The Local Community Projects Fund makes grants of up to £2,000 to not for profit organisations with a turnover of less than £300,000 a year who work to reduce the disadvantage of the most deprived people in the community.

All projects must support a community of interest, ie:
• People who are disabled or suffering chronic illness
• Living in poverty
• Voluntary carers
• Homeless people
• Isolated older people
• Other demonstrable significant need.
The Foundation are more likely to make grants to local organisations based near Greggs shops. Read more at:

For more information visit

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