Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 02 Dec 2019

Public Art Commission, Sheffield City Council

Public Art Commission, Sheffield City Council

Grey to Green Phase 2 Public Art Commission

Sheffield City Council is tendering a commission for artwork as an integral part of an innovative and award winning scheme that is changing the city’s grey streets to green footpaths and cycleways and, in so doing, addressing issues of climate change and the future role of the city centre.

The commission is for a series of artworks that increase and enhance biodiversity in the area in an exciting sculptural way. Sculptural bug hotels and nesting boxes made from permanent materials appropriate for the city centre – a new and exciting challenge.

The total budget available for this commission is £18,000. Individual artists or teams of artists may apply.

Please download the Brief at

The Brief gives full details of the process and how to apply.

The deadline for applications is 5.00pm on Monday 02 December 2019

Grey to Green Phase 2 is part funded by the European Union Regional Development Fund and Sheffield City Region.

See the link below for more information.

For more information visit

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