Daljinder Singh / Opportunities / Wed 09 May 2018

Visionari Artist Call Out

Visionari Artist Call Out

Call out for Touring Productions
This is a call for artists and companies interested in being part of a festival of work selected by the public, through our community programming group.
In order to create the first of its kind festival selected by the wider community of York, the Visionari group is looking for high quality work for our 100-seater studio space. Our Front of House areas may also be available for performances, interactive experiences and workshops. We are interested in high quality and diverse work of any discipline that reflects the society we live in.
Productions must be touring between Tuesday 20 - Saturday 24 November 2018.
What is the Visionari?
We want our theatre to reflect our community and to ensure that its ideas and thoughts are deeply embedded in the work we make and present. The Visionari group was formed to reflect the diverse city in which we live and work.
Over the past few months, the group have been learning about the theatre, why it exists and how it operates through workshops led by senior York Theatre Royal staff. There are currently 22 members of the group, with a range of different experiences, insights and backgrounds.
What’s the deal?
- Artists/companies can expect a guaranteed fee per performance, event or workshop.
- Artists/companies will be selected by the end of May.
- The production needs to be tour ready and we will need copy, image and credits by the first week of June.
What do I/we need to do?
- Submit a proposal of no more than one side of A4 with links to images, video, reviews and feedback for the group to review by 4pm on Wednesday 09 May to programming@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk with the title ‘Visionari Application’
- Logistical information, including technical rider and any access needs.
- Available and non-available dates during Tuesday 20 - Saturday 24 November, with preferred options specified.

Opportunity Location

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