
When you register a profile in the Creatives Across Sussex directory you can add images, videos and audio, turning your profile into a mini portfolio.

This section of the site shows all the media added by members of the network. You can choose to view images, video or audio via the navigation menu.

To add your images, video or audio, register and log into My Space.

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Parkfield Xtreme Radio Live FM Broadcast Snippet

Parkfield Xtreme Radio Live FM Broadcast Snippet

Listen to this very short lovely example of how much our young presenters enjoy making live FM broadcasts...Read more

Parkfield Xtreme Radio live takeover broadcast @ Musiclab

Parkfield Xtreme Radio live takeover broadcast @ Musiclab

Parkfield Xtreme Radio took over iorchestra's Musiclab and created commentaries, jingles, competitions and interviews which they then broadcasted live. You can listen again more



Youth Radio Listings Half Term edition..Read more

Parklife 15th July 2015

Parklife 15th July 2015

Parklife is the radio listings show by young people for young people in Torbay. Please listen and share...Read more

Parklife July 1st 2015

Parklife July 1st 2015

Parkfield Xtreme Radio's weekly radio listing show for young people in Torbay...Read more

Parklife Listings

Parklife Listings

Parklife listings show for young people is taking shape and going weekly in the lead up to the summer. It's charmingly and refreshingly imperfect - I hope you agree...Read more

Parklife Musiclab on Air Feature

Parklife Musiclab on Air Feature

Parkfield Xtreme Radio producers broadcast live from Musiclab and this feature gives you a chance to listen back to some of the best bits...Read more

Parklife Universe of Sound Feature

Parklife Universe of Sound Feature

Parkfield Xtreme Radio reporters show how a radio feature can capture, celebrate and share an event for the future with this Parklife on the Universe of Sound. This work was funded by the bRidge Challenge fund through th.....Read more

Parklife- the youth radio listing show for Torbay

Parklife- the youth radio listing show for Torbay

Parklife is Torbay's only youth radio listings show. Jack produces it now and will soon be interviewing guests in the studio, on location and over the phone to share what's going on for young people in Torbay. Contact u.....Read more