
When you register a profile in the Creatives Across Sussex directory you can add images, videos and audio, turning your profile into a mini portfolio.

This section of the site shows all the media added by members of the network. You can choose to view images, video or audio via the navigation menu.

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Tock Tick (Tock) (Vienna Cycle home demo)

Tock Tick (Tock) (Vienna Cycle home demo)

(Home demo) This track was recorded late in 2009. I'd had this song floating around from the Zenn days. We recorded this in Steve's basement studio in Torquay. Usual set up for this period; Steve bass, Luke guitar & back.....Read more

Tom Roddis - No Apology

Tom Roddis - No Apology

The Cream Room production and writing team (#creamteam) offers a single day package, perfect for singer-songwriters looking for the opportunity to transform a rough idea into a professionally produced track. It doesn't .....Read more

Torbay Cultural Education Conference Feature

Torbay Cultural Education Conference Feature

This feature was made by our marvellous Oldway On Air radio team at the Torbay Cultural Education Conference yesterday. We are so proud of their work and what they brought to the day - especially Kieron's breakdancing!..Read more

Torbay During Wartime

Torbay During Wartime

Elizabeth Bradley describes her youth in Torbay during wartime..Read more

Torquay Podcast

Torquay is often refered to as the Queen of the English Riviera. The town is famed for its situation among seven green hills, from where grand Victorian villas and terraces gaze out to sea. Palm-lined promenades lead to .....Read more

Torre Abbey Tattoo Exhibition

Torre Abbey Tattoo Exhibition

Created by participants of the Sound Life project with Sound Communities..Read more

Truffle Speaks podcast

Truffle Speaks podcast

An engaging foray into the life and dreams of the most secretive inhabitant of the Kingdom of Fungi, Truffle speaks is a podcast by Anna Keleher in collaboration with Truffle expert, forager and Truffle hound trainer, .....Read more

Tsunami from Tsunami Requiem

Tsunami from Tsunami Requiem

this is the moment in Chris William's 'Tsunami Requiem' that the 2004 boxing day Tsunami hits Nagapattinam, the 3rd part of the Requiem. A very moving work and part of our December 1st concert 'Calm after Chaos' the sma.....Read more

Tunnel Fire

A slow Drum 'n' Bass song which eventually leads into a fast paced drum marathon...Read more

TV leads

Name the lead male actors/presenters in these five clips, and the programme from which the clips come...Read more

TV Themes

Name the programme, the name of the tune and the artist for each of these five clips...Read more

Twists and turns

Twists and turns

Original tune. (Composer) Richard Thorn. 2013...Read more



New remixed version by Steve Sowden for recent release on bancdcamp by Natural Causes . Poem by local poet/playwright Peter Oswald (one of his non-ornithological bird poems) composed by me, and arranged/performed by Pat .....Read more